Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Cooking Show, Carlos Arguiñano

I would like to recommend a TV show.
If you are interested in learning Spanish cooking, the kind people eat in their homes day in and day out, this is your show. Carlos Arguiñano is from San Sebastian, Pais Vasco. He is, on a nation wide level, recognized as one of the best cooks in the country. He has a restaurant in San Sebastian that one of these days I would like to visit.
His show is everyday at 2:30 on Telecinco. Just ignore some “dirty” jokes and focus on his cooking. It is easy, creative, cheap and healthy. Like I said, he cooks what most people around the country cooks each day, but with some creativity and many tricks.
Now, if you understand one of his jokes - a clean one, of course – give yourself a “10” on Spanish culture acquisition!
Enjoy his cooking!