Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Never Ending Task ...

By the way, I am back in Madrid (just in case you read the post before this one!)

A Never Ending Task ...
Yes, that is what we have in our hands, a task that will take a lifelong commitment: learning a second or third language.
I believe the same is true referring to our first language. I feel I learn new things each day. Besides that side of the coin, languages are always evolving and adding new meanings to old words or new words to old meanings!
I do not mean to make you discouraged in your task of learning, more than anything, I would like you to know that you are not alone in this journey.
I have to say for myself that I feel comfortable in my level most of the time. The other day a friend asked me about the use of “leismos” and “laismos” in Spanish. I thought for a moment and could not remember the use of it! I use it day in and day out but do not know why. I decided to have goals for myself and recheck old lessons. More on my own goals later on … (please share some of your goals as well!)
Please feel encouraged that you are not alone. This is such a fun task: learning how our PGs think through their culture and language. It is a whole new world that opens up before you. It is a whole different way to understand life!
Be encouraged and share your thoughts and learned lessons in this space. Blog it yourself or send it to me and I will post it.

Bonos - revising an old lesson ...

“Uso de leismos y laismos”

1) Regla general: Objeto directo: lo/la. Objeto indirecto: le
2) "Debido a su extensión entre hablantes cultos y escritores de prestigio, (1) se admite el uso de le en lugar de lo en función de OD cuando el referente es una persona de sexo masculino.