Thursday, December 01, 2011

Escrito por una profesora

Está escrito por una profesora de un instituto público.  Un email que fue enviado por cadena ...


Yo no soy víctima de la LOGSE. Tengo 50 años y he tenido la suerte de estudiar bajo unos planes educativos buenos, que primaban el esfuerzo y la formación de los alumnos por encima de las estadísticas de aprobados y de la propaganda política. En párvulos (así se llamaba entonces lo que hoy es "educación infantil", mire usted) empecé a estudiar con una cartilla que todavía recuerdo perfectamente: la A de "araña", la E de "elefante", la I de "iglesia" la O de "ojo" y la U de "uña". Luego, cuando eras un poco más mayor, llegaba "El Parvulito", un librito con poco más de 100 páginas y un montón de lecturas, no como ahora, que pagas por tres tomos llenos de dibujos que apenas traen texto. Eso sí, en el Parvulito, no había que colorear ninguna página, que para eso teníamos cuadernos.

En Primaria estudiábamos Lengua Española, Matemáticas (las llamábamos "tracas" o "matracas") Ciencias Naturales, Ciencias Sociales, Plástica (dibujo y trabajos manuales), Religión  y Educación Física. En 6º de Primaria, si en un examen tenías una falta de ortografía del tipo de "b en vez de v" o cinco faltas de acentos, te suspendían.

En Bachiller, estudié Historia de España, Latín, Literatura y Filosofía.
Leí El Quijote y el Lazarillo de Tormes; leí las "Coplas a la Muerte de su Padre" de Jorge Manrique, a Garcilaso, a Góngora, a Lope de Vega o a Espronceda... 

Pero, sobre todo, aprendí a hablar y a escribir con corrección. Aprendí a amar nuestra lengua, nuestra historia y nuestra cultura.
Y.. vamos con la Gramática.

En castellano existen los participios activos como derivado de los tiempos verbales. El participio activo del verbo atacar es "atacante"; el de salir es "saliente"; el de cantar es "cantante" y el de existir, "existente". ¿Cuál es el del verbo ser? Es "ente", que significa "el que tiene entidad", en definitiva "el que es". Por ello, cuando queremos nombrar a la persona que denota capacidad de ejercer la acción que expresa el verbo, se añade a este la terminación "-nte".

Así, al que preside, se le llama "presidente" ynunca "presidenta", independientemente del género (masculino o femenino) del que realiza la acción.

De manera análoga, se dice "capilla ardiente", no "ardienta"; se dice "estudiante", no "estudianta"; se dice "independiente" y no "independienta"; "paciente", no “pacienta"; "dirigente", no dirigenta"; "residente", no "residenta”.

Y ahora, la pregunta: nuestros políticos y muchos periodistas (hombres y mujeres, que los hombres que ejercen el periodismo no son "periodistos"), ¿hacen mal uso de la lengua por motivos ideológicos o por ignorancia de la Gramática de la Lengua Española ? Creo que por las dos razones. Es más, creo que la ignorancia les lleva a aplicar patrones ideológicos y la misma aplicación automática de esos patrones ideológicos los hace más ignorantes (a ellos y a sus seguidores).

No me gustan las cadenas de correos electrónicos (suelo eliminarlas) pero, por una vez, os propongo que paséis el mensaje a vuestros amigos y conocidos, en la esperanza de que llegue finalmente a esos ignorantes semovientes (no "ignorantas semovientas", aunque ocupen carteras ministeriales).

Lamento haber aguado la fiesta a un grupo de hombres que se habían asociado en defensa del género y que habían firmado un manifiesto. Algunos de los firmantes eran: el dentisto, el poeto, el sindicalisto, el pediatro, el pianisto, el golfisto, el arreglisto, el funambulisto, el proyectisto, el turisto, el contratisto, el paisajisto, el taxisto, el artisto, el periodisto, el taxidermisto, el telefonisto, el masajisto, el gasisto, el trompetisto, el violinisto, el maquinisto, el electricisto, el oculisto, el policío del esquino y, sobre todo, ¡el machisto!


  Porque no es lo mismo ser UN CARGO PÚBLICO que UNA CARGA PÚBLICA.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Elections in Spain

Just a reminder: it is important to keep up with what is going on in our country. At this moment, I recommend you to get informed about the elections, the candidates and what people are talking about.

It gives you a feeling for what people are going through. In my experience, when I know what is going on, I feel I belong. I feel part of what is going on, if I can share my thoughts and be heard with respect. I have something intelligent to say because I have done my homework preparing myself for my comments. "Para tanto", it is is important to be informed.

Some good questions for your language exchange times:

1) Who are the candidates?
2) Where are they from?
3) What are their parties?
4) What are their main topics in their "discurso político"

One good source of information is:

Do you have other sources you would like to share. Please comment in this post.


Just a quick entry to share this website my husband just found. Our son is having some difficulties with Spanish Grammar and we find we are learning a lot as we help him.

So, how do you do with accents in Spanish? Do you want a quick explanation in English? Here it goes:

I hope you enjoy this website and, just like me, learn something new.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tiempo Otoñal

I love this time of the year! I am looking for new ways to enjoy it and at the same time, learning a bit more from my country. I am starting today, visiting the Medieval Fair in Alcalá de Henares. I heard it will be worth every minute of it!

I would like to share a few ideas:

1) Some city governments through places such as Casa de La Mujer, Universidad Popular, etc offer some day trips to different places, countryside or not. You could enjoy an outside day in a beautiful historical town or enjoy an indoor day visiting a museum or cultural place.

2) Make a list of books you would like to read. Try to match learning and fun. For example, I would be drawn to any craft magazine or book. So, for me, a good idea would be to find several books on that topic to enjoy my reading and learning new vocabulary at the same time! Have them handy for those evenings you just want to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea under a lap blanket.

3) Look for courses offered by Escuela de Idiomas or Universidad Popular. Some "Ayuntamientos" do not have them, but they will have classes offered by community buildings, etc. They may offer photograph, history classes, language conversation classes, sewing, etc. It is nice to make new friends over coffee during class break! I know that some of the UPAs in Madrid, offer a class in which you visit different museums and cultural places of the city. Yo will have a guided visit with friends. It cannot get any better!

I guess it is a time to get excited to be indoors but still, have plenty of occasions to learn and enjoy our country! Happy Fall!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Back to School

By now, we are all getting back to the normal pace of life. Kids are back in school, we all have extra time to dedicate to our favorite activity: learning the culture and language!

I am not sure it is your favorite topic or not, but it is very important for anyone living in Spain.

I would like to encourage you to set some goals for this year:

My husband and I have talked and set some goals for us:

1) getting to know our new city (Alcalá de Henares) and its history.

2) Reading and learning about the book Don Quijote (we started it once, but never finished it)

3) Know more about Cervantes, as he was born and lived in our new city, Alcalá de Henares.

This is an example, depending where you are (stage of life, language level or geography), set some reachable goals. We all have learned about S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, agreed upon or attainable, realistic and time-specific)

I hope you can come up with really rewarding goals that will take you a step forward in this process.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Political Parties and Candidates

Do you know what is PP? PSOE? Are there other parties in your Comunidad o Provincia? Who are they presenting for their candidates on the next election for Presidente del Gobierno? Can you name the 3 last presidentes?

This is your conversation topic this week.

It seems we have been talking a lot about politics this month but that is the main topic on the news and out on the streets these days. We need to be up to date with what is going on.

Ask about the 2 main parties and what do they stand for (right, left, center). Ask about other parties. Ask about connection with the recent history of Spain (Franco, Civil War, etc).

Resources to give you some background:

Monday, May 23, 2011

El 15M and the Election results

What is this?
What does it represent?
Who is organizing it?

We all, leaving in Spain, should be up to date on the news. This movement is becoming quite strong and we should be informed about its roots and consequences.

Use these questions to talk to your tutor, English exchange or a friend.

You can post here your findings, the opinions you heard, etc.

In English:

NOW, what have you observed about the elections' results yesterday. Use this topic for conversation.

Is 15M and the ellections' results related to each other?

Have fun with your findings!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Elections in Spain

May 22nd: will be municipal elections in Spain. Have you been hearing about it? Have you watched any debate? Have you seen the street tabloids?

Whatever level you are, you should be watchful of things that change from time to time and start asking questions about it. That will do a good thing to you. You will not feel like an outsider, you will feel part of the community and will not have that lost look in your face when people are excited or upset about what happens in your part of the world.

A good topic for this week with your language exchange friend is: Who are the candidates for my city? Who will most likely win and why they think that way?

Have fun with your findings!

Monday, March 21, 2011

España, Tierra de Contrastes

If you live in Madrid, you will notice people come from all over Spain to live here. This happens everywhere, but especially here. It is a good thing to be familiar with the political map of Spain. We should know:

1) What are the Comunidades Autonomas?

2) What are the provinces that form each Comunidad Autonoma?

3) What are the general geographical characteristics of each region?

4) When you meet someone, a new friend, make a point to check information about his/her province so you can talk to him/her about it. You will impress your friends and show you care.

I found this interactive website for my kids. Have fun learning!

Monday, March 07, 2011


Hey, do you really know who was Franco? We all hear about the Franco Dictatorship but do we know the history of this man and his lasting influence? We are not going to discuss our opinion about him but the mere facts.
It would be interesting for you to ask lots of questions and find your own conclusions. I personally have met people who miss those "old times" and others who strongly dislike this episode in Spain history.
Gather facts and find your own opinion!

Something to start with:

Monday, February 21, 2011

23 F

Antena 3 today will show a special on the 23 F (Veinte Tres de Febrero) at 22:45 ... it is a very important event in the Modern History of Spain. You can watch for your "listening" this week! Besides that, you will learn some more of Spain history.

A short version of the event:

Garcia Lorca

Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca
(Spanish pronunciation: [feðeˈɾiko ɣarˈθi.a ˈlorka]; 5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936) was a Spanish poet, dramatist and theatre director. Garcia Lorca achieved international recognition as an emblematic member of the Generation of '27. He is believed to be one of thousands who were summarily shot by anti-communist death squads during the Spanish Civil War. In 2008, a Spanish judge opened an investigation into Lorca's death. The Garcia Lorca family eventually dropped objections to the excavation of a potential gravesite near Alfacar. However, no human remains were found.

For more information on this author, follow the link:

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

DELE dates for 2011

Please check the dates for registration for the DELE tests this year.

Lola Flores

Lola Flores is an icon on the culture and art in Spain. To know more about her please follow this link. She is still very present in the artistic world not only through her artistic contribution but also through the heritage now carried out by her two daughters: Lolita and Rosario Flores.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

History ... La Republica

One of the best ways to know a people is trhough its history. I find myself looking for novels that can be also entertaining. I love movies and series as well.

TVE will have a special novel style series called La Republica. It is supposed to be a love story during those history episodes. It says it will cover that moment in history very well.

It looks really entertaining and good in quality. It is a sequel to La Señora that was very good as well, a period before. You can still watch it on this same link. What they call TVE a la Carta.

So, I am not totally recommending this as a learning tool but it can become one, as we saw in Cuentame como Pasó. We will have to wait and see. Please post your comments. It can be part of your listening and comprehension activity, even if it is not as informative on the historical and cultural side.

It starts this Friday as ¨preestreno¨. The normal episodes will be each Monday at 22 hrs. Follow the link for more information: